Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Porterhouse Pasta?!

This week, I have cream cheese that I have to use up so a lot of my recipes will involve it.  Since I only cook for one, I tend to end up with at least one of these ingredients a week...forces me to figure out difference uses.  I enjoy the challenge.  Tuesday night I needed something I could cook fast, since we had to leave to get to the movies.
I had gotten a porterhouse at the store this weekend because it was on sale...I thought to myself..porterhouse, on pasta? With sour cream and horseradish?  Yes please!  Now some steak fans may shiver at the thought of making a porterhouse into strips...but I assure you it was wonderful!

1 serving egg noodles cooked
desired amount of steak cut into strips (I ended up with 5.2 ounces cooked...slightly more than a 4oz serving)
2 tbs cream cheese
1c beef stock
1tsp horseradish
salt and pepper to taste

Brown steak strips in pan (I skipped this because I was hurrying).  Blend stock, cream cheese, and horseradish well in separate bowl.  Once steak is browned on both sides, add stock mixture and cook until reduced to desired thickness; add salt and pepper to taste.  Lower heat and toss in egg noodles. Serve!

I served the pasta with summer squash that I sauteed in olive oil and seasoned salt.

Calorie Content: 720 calories with squash

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